Dog Resort in Press

The talk about Dog Resort
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Inside Edition

'Game of Thrones' Star Urges Fans to Stop Seeking Out Huskies That Look Like Direwolves
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ABC News - Good Morning America

“Game of Thrones” fans are buying huskies because they look like direwolves.
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Spectrum News

Scaring Up Support to Save Furry Lives - Oct 31, 2023

Welcome to Dog Resort, where every day is a tail-wagging adventure! With play areas for every size pup, luxurious themed suites, and tons of new friends to make, your furry friend will have the time of their life! Come join Max, our lovable Golden Retriever mascot, for a stay your pet will never forget!

North Hollywood
M-Sat: 7AM - 8PM | Sun: 9AM - 5PM
Mon-Sat: 12:30pm-2:30pm
M-Sat: 7AM - 8PM | Sun: 9AM - 5PM
Mon-Sat: 12:30pm-2:30pm
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